In a recent article by (CIPD 2023 #GoodWorkIndex ), research shows employees are more likely to think that work is purely transactional – just for the money and nothing else – than they were four years ago.
CIPD examined a number of factors that determine good work and job quality in the UK, (although many of these could also be of importance in many other countries). Since covid, attitudes towards work have changed. Unsurprisingly.
Many people were made redundant, companies cut costs, and many started up their own business or a side hustle whilst waiting for a new role. There are many reasons why attitudes have changed, Covid was simply a catalyst that speeded up decision making for those that had time to reflect on what they really wanted out of a role and perhaps life in general.
How this now impacts work, managing, job hunting, has become a little more complicated. The days of simply offering a job and expecting candidates to jump at the opportunity may be gone, especially if the opportunity or organisation has not approached the recruitment process or offer in a well-planned out way.

What constitutes a good work environment for candidates is outlined below, Pay & Benefits, job security, work-life balance.
All key points that have been around for some time.
Yet, when speaking with candidates, I have found, many businesses are offering lower salaries for experienced hires.
Fewer benefits.
But, more responsibility, larger remit, and global team management…therefore, longer hours and worse work life balance.
Not an attractive proposition.

There are also some interesting but also unsurprising findings regarding reasons people have left their roles. Some of the top reasons were better pay, work life balance.
You see the pattern?

So where are companies going wrong? There is no simple answer, unfortunately. Increased costs of doing business, geopolitics, wars, pandemics have all impacted and therefore trying to do more with less is the default mode for many companies.
This is a short-term fix in my view.
Investing in people in your business should be a priority. If you have great staff that are happy to work for you, they will go the extra mile, they will be more likely to stay in the business and want to add value. This in turn will generate better results and increase client satisfaction.
Don’t always hire plug and play. Think outside the box and hire people that have the skills they need to do the role, some of these may be transferable and therefore be a cheaper option than hiring like for like… but they require an investment.
Investments if made correctly can pay off in the longer term.
What can you do as a candidate job hunting?
Consider what is important to you.
Who are you working for? What are their values?
What are your first impressions at the interview stage, (follow your gut you may just be right).
Know your value.
Consider a side hustle in the meantime if you are job hunting.
Choose a sector to target
Think of some key companies that share your values or at least say they do.
Have a goal. This may be a role title, salary level, geographic location. Whatever it is, have one.
The job may be the means to help you reach it.
If you would like to reach out for an informal chat, feel free to connect with me.
